
538 documents

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  1. Speech by Queen Máxima on the occasion of the event 'Financial Inclusion 15 years of Impact', United Nations, New York, United States of America

    Queen Máxima is the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

    Speech | 25-09-2024

  2. Thronrede 2024

    Speech | 17-09-2024

  3. Discours du trône 2024

    Speech | 17-09-2024

  4. Speech from the Throne 2024

    Speech | 17-09-2024

  5. Online speech Queen Máxima at the opening of the online seminar of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, the IAIS Global Seminar 2024

    The speech is prerecorded. Queen Máxima is the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for ...

    Speech | 09-07-2024

  6. Speech by King Willem-Alexander at a lunch on the occasion of the official visit by The Emir of Qatar and his wife, Noordeinde Palace, The Hague

    Speech | 24-06-2024

  7. Speech by King Willem-Alexander at the closing reception in The Spiral, New York, United States

    Speech | 13-06-2024

  8. Speech by King Willem-Alexander at a network reception at the Governor’s Mansion, Albany, United States

    Speech | 12-06-2024

  9. Speech by King Willem-Alexander at the innovation and semicon networking event, Albany, United States

    Speech | 12-06-2024

  10. Speech by King Willem-Alexander on being received by New York Governor Kathy Hochul, Albany, United States

    Speech | 12-06-2024