
This page gives an overview of Princess Beatrix’s schooling and university education.

Primary and secondary school

In Canada, Princess Beatrix attended nursery and primary school. On her return to the Netherlands, she continued her primary education at De Werkplaats, Kees Boeke’s progressive school in Bilthoven. In April 1950, Princess Beatrix entered the Incrementum, part of the Baarns Lyceum, where she passed her school-leaving examinations in arts subjects and classics in 1956.

University education

The Princess subsequently enrolled as a student at Leiden University. She was a member of the Leiden Women Students’ Association. In her first years at university, she attended lectures in sociology, jurisprudence, economics, parliamentary history and constitutional law. Later she also attended lectures on the cultures of Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles, the Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, international affairs, international law, history and European law.


In the summer of 1959, she passed her preliminary examination in law. While at university, the Princess visited various European and international organisations in Geneva, Strasbourg, Paris and Brussels. In 1961 she obtained a combined degree in law and other subjects, including sociology and economics.