Documents - Queen Máxima

131 documents relating to Queen Máxima

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  1. Speech by Queen Máxima at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2015, Barcelona

    Speech by Queen Máxima at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2015, Barcelona

    Speech | 02-03-2015

  2. Speech by Queen Máxima at the National School of Development, Beijing University

    Queen Máxima is the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

    Speech | 26-11-2014

  3. Keynote address by H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands at the opening of World Food Day in Rome

    Queen Máxima is the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

    Speech | 16-10-2014

  4. Speech by Queen Máxima at the 45th meeting of Moneyval, Strasbourg

    Queen Máxima is the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

    Speech | 17-09-2014

  5. Speech by Queen Máxima at the ACM Conference on innovation and oversight, The Hague

    Queen Máxima is the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

    Speech | 20-06-2014

  6. Speech by Queen Máxima at the IMF/World Bank Constituency Meeting 2014, The Hague

    Queen Máxima is the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

    Speech | 31-05-2014

  7. Speech by Queen Máxima at fourth annual Morningstar Investment Conference in Amsterdam

    Queen Máxima is the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

    Speech | 27-03-2014

  8. Acceptance Speech by Her Majesty Queen Máxima Deutscher Medienpreis 2013 Baden-Baden

    Queen Máxima is the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

    Speech | 21-03-2014

  9. Speech by Queen Máxima at Project Closing Event: Strengthening Women’s Entrepreneurship in Lima (Peru)

    7 March 2014

    Speech | 07-03-2014

  10. Speech by H.M. Queen Máxima, UNSGSA, at “Post-2015 A New Global Partnership” Dinner, New York

    Queen Máxima is the UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

    Speech | 23-09-2013